“It is not about changing the part that is hurting, but creating the inner environment where healing can happen.”

Welcome to
Sound Body & Mind Counselling

Sarah McGlynn RTC, ST
Registered Therapeutic Counsellor in Relational Somatic Therapy
Sound Therapy Certification

~ Compassion and kindness towards oneself are intrinsically woven into mindfulness ~


Are you ready to start this journey?


Relational Somatic Therapy

Relational Somatic Therapy (RST) is a body centered, trauma-informed one-on-one therapy, that views the body as the holder of all information both past and present. In sessions Relational Somatic Therapy helps to address:

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Sound Therapy

Sound Healing is a fast-growing modality used to alleviate many stress-related conditions such as:

High Blood Pressure

As stress is a major cause for suffering and disease, sound is rapidly becoming known as a very versatile and powerful healing medium.


Let’s begin together…

Hi! I’m Sarah and I’m happy you’re here. It is my honour to be with people in a way that supports, and bares witness, to a client’s journey on their path to health and healing.